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Lázaro David Najarro Pujol
07/01/19  17:08:29
Playing circus art / The children`s audience is the one who enjoys the most circus shows y even more when it comes to stories of naughty y playful children. / The characters are able to perform routines of circus acts (floor acrobatics, pulses, Chinese mast, steering wheel, fabrics, rope jump, aerial sphere, hand stop y clown). / The stage can be a school where children wait anxiously for playtime to go out to play, to have fun y to imagine that they are doing circuses. / The protagonists invent stories, play with different objects, talk with imaginary friends, do nonsense y annoy others. But maybe nothing is reality. (Translated by Linet Acuña Quilez)
Sol Suave Lázaro David Najarro Pujol
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