Hello dear friends of the wild nature, animals and landscapes,
10-th International Photo Salon THE WILD is OPEN for entries! Under the patronage of FIAP (2019/209) и APB (2019/004).
The salon received the contest validation letter with note, that the catalog of our previous exhibition under FIAP Patronage number 2018/536 has been awarded with 5/5 stars.
The great news in the 10-th jubilee edition is, that the salon is supported by municipality of Sevlievo again. With their sponsorship, salon will have a printed album - the same as the edition in 2018. This is a great accent and honor for us. With this fact, THE WILD will be one of the few with the best final look (in a paper body) of the prize-winning and some of the highest rated photos in the final selection of the edition. The classic exhibition (on photopaper in wooden frames) will be exposed in the City Art Gallery in Sevlievo again.
Welcome, we expect you.
All necessary for entering in the competition are at the following link: