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"the old red crane" de Emanuel Pereira Aparicio Ribeiro

"the old red crane" de Emanuel Pereira Aparicio Ribeiro
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Foto del Día de FR
2º F.Día Participantes
Tema: Fotografia de Autor - Enviada el 09/08/20 a las 04:40:04 - Foto N° 200809044004 

"the old red crane"

Emanuel Pereira Aparicio Ribeiro

Sol Suave Emanuel Pereira Aparicio Ribeiro

(Portsmouth, , Reino Unido) Mi página
 Red Crane is a crane on the Isle of Portland, Dorset, England. It is located on the cliff edge at Portland`s southerly point, the promontory Portland Bill. It is part of a disused stone loading quay, which is now a scheduled monument.
The area of Portland Bill had been quarried during the 19th-century y continued until the early 20th-century. During its commercial years, the stone shipping quay was created as the Bill`s prime quay to ship Portland stone off the island. A hand-operated wooden crane was originally erected there for this purpose.
After quarrying ceased in the area in the early 20th century, the quay`s crane, which became known as Red Crane, was used to lower fisherman y their boats into the sea. The crane was later replaced by a steel crane, which remains in place today. It continues to be used by fishermen. A similar crane, also steel, is the Broad Ope Crane (also known as Bob`s Crane), which is located further north along Portland`s east coastline, near Cave Hole. Sandholes Crane, further north of Broad Ope, is a surviving wooden crane.
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Cámara: Canon EOS 7D (Canon)
Velocidad: 1/0.04s    Diafragma: f:11    Sensib.: 100 iso    Focal: 11mm   

Comentarios (19)

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Maria Isabel Hempe
ResponderMaria Isabel Hempe11/08/20  13:53:01
Felicitaciones Emanuel, comparto tu alegría!! Besos
Sol Suave Maria Isabel Hempe
Jorge Vargas
ResponderJorge Vargas11/08/20  12:48:10
Emanuel Felicitaciones por los Premios F. Día Participantes y Foto del Día de FR
Sol Suave Jorge Vargas
María Inés Hempe
ResponderMaría Inés Hempe11/08/20  09:19:59
Bravoo, Emanuel, te felicito, muy merecido, me alegro mucho por vos y tu excelente obra!!!Besos!!!
Sol Suave María Inés Hempe
Ruben H. Bongianino
ResponderRuben H. Bongianino11/08/20  00:04:47
Felicitaciones por las distinciones con cartelitos de colores en el día de hoy . A disfrutar plenamente, comparto tu alegría .
Sol Suave Ruben H. Bongianino
Jorge Vargas
ResponderJorge Vargas09/08/20  20:48:10
Maravillosa toma
Sol Suave Jorge Vargas
Ana Luz Lorda
ResponderAna Luz Lorda09/08/20  20:34:33
Sol Suave Ana Luz Lorda
Walter Valdez
ResponderWalter Valdez09/08/20  20:17:58

Sol Suave Walter Valdez
Daniel Pérez Küchmeister
ResponderDaniel Pérez Küchmeister09/08/20  20:02:20
Estupenda, Emanuel...
Sol Suave Daniel Pérez Küchmeister
Maria Eugenia Cailly (euge)
ResponderMaria Eugenia Cailly (euge)09/08/20  19:41:36
Excelenteee y bellooo monocromo Emanuel!!!
Sol Suave Maria Eugenia Cailly (euge)
Luis Torres Sal
ResponderLuis Torres Sal09/08/20  15:12:46
Hermoso trabajo
Sol Suave Luis Torres Sal
Roberto Guillermo Hagemann
ResponderRoberto Guillermo Hagemann09/08/20  14:59:21
Hermosa foto y Composición Emanuel
Sol Suave Roberto Guillermo Hagemann
Juan Carlos Barilari
ResponderJuan Carlos Barilari09/08/20  14:35:49
Muy buena foto e interesante relato!!!
Sol Suave Juan Carlos Barilari
Jose Luis Vicente Ojeda Lima
ResponderJose Luis Vicente Ojeda Lima09/08/20  13:34:29
Buenas texturas y tonalidades
Sol Suave Jose Luis Vicente Ojeda Lima
María Inés Hempe
ResponderMaría Inés Hempe09/08/20  11:28:21
Maravilloso trabajo y edición, Emanuel.
Sol Suave María Inés Hempe
Alejandra Cormick
ResponderAlejandra Cormick09/08/20  11:21:37
Sol Suave Alejandra Cormick
Dante Murri
ResponderDante Murri09/08/20  11:20:19

Sol Suave Dante Murri
Decio Badari
ResponderDecio Badari09/08/20  11:02:49

Sol Suave Decio Badari
Javier Presas
ResponderJavier Presas09/08/20  10:28:20
Maravillosa toma! Saludos
Sol Suave Javier Presas
Francisco Luis Azpiroz Costa
ResponderFrancisco Luis Azpiroz Costa09/08/20  09:10:03
Una foto magnífica.
Sol Suave Francisco Luis Azpiroz Costa
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