Alaska / Charles Ferguson

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Charles "Buddy" Ferguson

Juneau, Alaska
 Volver In 1969, my parents moved their family to Fairbanks, Alaska. A year later, my Daily News Miner paper route enabled me to purchase my first 35mm camera.

Competitive sports, outdoor recreation and a blend of public and private education defined my adolescence. While in pursuit of a college degree, I became involved in aviation. A career path was set in motion.

My appreciation and respect for Alaska has been largely gained while experiencing its remoteness by small airplane. Off airport aviators generally get the "bush pilot" label. Specifically, however, I am a seaplane pilot in coastal Southeast Alaska. As a commercial air taxi pilot since 1984, I have been very fortunate indeed to view, explore and photograph one of nature's finest palettes. When my schedule permits, I also enjoy swimming, cycling and home brewing.

Although many of my favorite subjects are photographed here in Alaska, do not be surprised to discover images in my photo gallery from different latitudes. The gallery is periodically updated, but for the most current news on my travels and photo projects visit on assignment.

Thanks for stopping by,
Chales Ferguson    El límite de la fotografía es nuestro propio límite
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